Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Short AF Book Review | Something To Be Proud Of | ARC Received By Netgalley

 Hi friends! So today I'm going to be doing a review on "Something To Be Proud Of" by Anna Zoe Quirke. This review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the Goodreads synopsis in this and sometimes it can contain spoilers so please keep that in mind!)

"Imogen Quinn is a chaotic bisexual with dreams of becoming a stand - up comedian, crushing stereotypes about autistic people. When she decides to put on a pride festival that's accessible for everyone, she enlists the help of the openly gay captain of the football team, Ollie Armstrong.

Dealing with the fallout from his parents' divorce, Ollie is initially hesitant. But it doesn't take long for him to be swept up by Imogen's passion, and he's not the only one. Joined by the (infuriatingly perfect) head girl, musicians, an artist and a star baker - a dream team soon assembles to help plan pride and tackle injustices in their school and beyond. You better listen out - they're getting ready to make some noise.

Packed full of fun, forever friendships and fighting back, this YA debut is perfect for fans of I Kissed Shara Wheeler, Gwen and Art are Not in Love, Feel Good, Heartstopper and Not My problem"

I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley, however all opinions are my own

So the reason I wanted to read this book is because I saw it on Netgalley and I LOVE queer storytelling so I applied for it. Friends, I am ecstatic that I got the ARC of this book and will 100% be buying a physical copy when the book comes out. The storytelling in this book is hilarious, heart-warming and incredibly beautiful. I've never seen a book that has autistic, disabled, and queer representation and had such a diverse cast of characters. Anna, like Imogen, definitely wanted representation in their book for everyone and you will definitely find yourself relating to at LEAST one of their characters. As a disabled queer person my heart was filled to see so many characters that I could easily relate to. This book was so easy to just pick up and read, and I found myself picking this up whenever I had a spare moment (which says something considering I've had such a busy week). I found myself giggling so much whilst reading this book and was really rooting for the characters to reach their goals. I loved every moment of reading this book, and would 100% recommend this to anyone who'd love to read a beautiful, queer story.

My Favourite Characters:

Imogen: I loved so much how Imogen was just very much unapologetically herself. Her character growth throughout the book was incredible and I loved seeing her find her people.

Amelia: Amelia was honestly my favourite side character. Her character growth was also incredible and I loved her more and more with each and every chapter.

Auntie Septic: Auntie Septic is actually a very small character within the book, but I adored her and genuinely wish we had more of her

My Least Favourite Characters:

Oliver's dad: I'm not gonna lie friends, I loathed Oliver's dad. I can't say much more.

Ms Greenacre: I despised Ms Greenacre throughout the whole book. 0/10 teacher.

I gave this book a 5/5 star rating on Goodreads!

This book is going to be released 6th June 2024!

 What did you think of this book? Who were your favourite or least favourite characters? Do you have any books you'd recommend for me to read and do a review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe!

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