Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Short AF Book Review | If Only I Had Told Her

 Hi friends! So today I'm going to be doing a review on "If Only I Had Told Her" by Laura Nowlin. This review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the Goodreads synopsis in this and sometimes it can contain spoilers so please keep that in mind! Even more so for this as this is the second book in the series!)

"If only I'd told her that I loved her years ago, then I wouldn't be here now.

Finn has always loved Autumn. She's not just the girl next door or his mother's best friend's daughter, she is his everything. But she's not his girlfriend. That's Sylvie, and Finn would never hurt her, so there's no way Autumn could know how he truly feels.

Jack, Finn's best friend, isn't so sure. He's seen Finn and Autumn together. How could she not know? And how is he supposed to support and protect Finn when heartache seems inevitable?

Autumn surrounds herself with books and wants to write her own destiny - but one doesn't always get a new chapter and fate can be cruel to those in love.

Truth through three different perspectives, If Only I Had Told Her is a love story brimming with truth, tragedy, and unexpected bonds that heal us."

So the reason I wanted to read "If Only I Had Told Her" was because I loved reading "If He Had Been With Me" and thought the sequel was going to be just as good! Unfortunately for me, I was very wrong. It is not that I disliked this book, I just didn't feel that what the book was marketed initially as was true and I felt let down by some of the characters attributes. For example, this book was advertised as "If He Had Been With Me" from Finny's point of view, That is slightly true, we have Finny's point of view for about a 3rd of the book, but it's not his point of view from the start of the story we had within the first. Also I know Finny is an young adult, but why did they make him horny on main? I really loved Finny in the first book, and I feel like I glossed over a lot of what he did which was wrong, but this book really did shed a light on it, and even though I still liked him as a character, it definitely shifted my perspective on him. Finny was not the only character who's this book made me change my feelings about either, I really appreciated that we got to learn more about some of the side characters in this series and not just what Autumn thinks about them. I feel like the 3 points of view we got made it very easy to get to know everybody's side of the story as well finding out more about what happened after book 1. Overall, this book still made me cry, but I didn't find myself loving it as much as I loved the first, and I don't think I will be reading this one again. I would recommend this if you do want to know more of the story, but please go in knowing it's not "If He Had Been With Me" with Finny's perspective.

 My favourite characters:

Jack: We got to get to know Jack so much more in this book, and I really loved him as a character. He was such a good friend and did everything he possibly could to make everyone happy within his part of the story.

Angelina: Angelina was honestly my absolute favourite character in this book. I loved how she was handling absolutely everything and she was being there so much for Autumn despite what she was going through herself

My least favourite characters:

Finny's dad: I despised everything that Finny's dad did, I know the author tried to give him a small bit of redemption but I still very much loathe him.

I gave this book a 3/5 star rating on Goodreads.

What did you think of this book? Who were your favourite or least favourite characters? Do you have any books you'd recommend for me to read and do a review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe!

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