Friday, April 19, 2024

Short AF Book Review | Walk The Web Lightly | ARC Received By Netgalley

Hi friends! So today I'm going to be doing a review on "Walk The Web Lightly" by Mary Pascual. This review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the Goodreads synopsis in this and sometimes it can contain spoilers so please keep that in mind!)

"Naya's family is all about their art, their traditions, their secret ability to see time. They expected her to follow in their footsteps, creating art and keeping their powers concealed. But she wants to be a doctor - and you can't do that if you're hiding all the time! When a chance to go to medical science camp comes up, her family disapproves, but Grandmother challenges her to a if she can weave her soul wrap before the camp begins, she can go; if she fails, she has to say good - bye to her science dreams for good. With all the knowledge of time at her fingertips, Naya is sure she can win. But someone is rigging events to learn her family's secrets - and it turns out that what she doesn't know could jeopardize everyone she loves."

I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley, however all opinions are my own

So the reason I wanted to read this is because I saw the description on Netgalley and it genuinely looked like such a cool concept and was something that really intrigued me. Unfortunately, I ended up being a little disappointed by this book. I'd first like to start off by saying the idea of this book and their magic was really cool, and I found it really interesting to read about their magic and how it works. However, the whole first half of the book was just talking about how their magic works, and then the various mundane tasks they do throughout their day with a small dual perspective of our secondary character keeping tabs on our main character. There wasn't a lot of excitement that happened within the first part out of describing their magic system and I really felt like it could have been condensed down to less than the 150 pages it took. I found this really difficult to read until we got to part 2 of the book. Part 2 was where everything that was exciting happened. It definitely made me want to the pick up more but then I had the opposite issue of feeling rushed through all of the information I got at once, I was left feeling wanting to know more about what we had learned about characters, and not getting the satisfaction of finding out. Overall, I enjoyed this book enough to have finished it, but will I pick it up again? Probably not. I just don't think this book was for me.

My Favourite Characters:

Isabella (Short Shorts): I honestly loved Isabella's character even though we didn't get too much of her in the book. She really went to bat for Naya and I loved her for it.

Mamma: I loved Naya's mum so much. You could truly tell she cared for her daughter so much and I love seeing those type of familial figures within stories.

My Least Favourite Characters:

Mr. Lindy: Mr. Lindy honestly grossed me out so much, he can actually get in the bin.

Sylvia: Honestly, for Sylvia's age she was a horrible, horrible character. I'm glad there wasn't a lot of her in the story.

I gave this book a 3/5 star rating on Goodreads!

This book is going to be released 7th May 2024!

 What did you think of this book? Who were your favourite or least favourite characters? Do you have any books you'd recommend for me to read and do a review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe!

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