Friday, March 29, 2024

Short AF Book Review | Homebody | Arc Received By Netgalley

 Hi friends! So today I'm going to be doing a review on "Homebody" by Theo Parish. This review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the Goodreads synopsis in this and sometimes it can contain spoilers so please keep that in mind!)

"In their comics debut, Theo Parish masterfully weaves an intimate and defiantly hopeful memoir about the journey one nonbinary person takes to find a home within themself. Combining traditional comics with organic journal - like interludes. Theo takes us through their experiences with the hundred arbitrary and unspoken gender binary rules of high school, from harrowing haircuts and finally the right haircut to the intersection of gender identity and sexuality - and through tiny everyday moments that all led up to Theo finding the term 'nonbinary,' which finally struck a chord. 'Have you ever had one of those moments when all of a sudden things become clear... like someone just turned on a light?' A whole spectrum of people will be drawn to Theo's storytelling, from trans or questioning teens and adults, to folks who devoured Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe or The Fire Never Goes Out by ND Stevenson, to any people looking to dive a little deeper into the way that gender can shape identity. Throughout the book, Theo's crystal - clear voice reminds the reader that it's okay not to know, it's okay to change your mind, and it's okay to take your time finding your way home. 'We are all just trying to find a place to call our own. We are all deserving of comfort and safety, a place to call home."

I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley, however all opinions are my own.

How I read this book: eBook

So the reasons I wanted to read this book is because 1: I LOVE graphic novels (catch me reading Lore Olympus every Sunday), 2: I'm part of the LGBT+ community myself and like to consume media written by LGBT+ individuals, and 3: My partner is non binary themselves and I wanted to see if it was something they would like to read when it comes out also. Friends, I am so glad I managed to get a copy of this book. First of all, the artwork in this book was gorgeous and genuinely blew my mind, I loved Theo's art style and adored that every page was just the colours of the trans flag. Secondly, I have never read a memoir in the form of a graphic novel before and the way Theo told their story throughout the book warmed my heart and genuinely had me tearing up at the end (happy tears, that is!). Thirdly the way Theo describes being non binary makes it so easy to understand and this book could definitely be used to help trans youths discover themselves and know that it's okay to be themselves. I knew from the moment Theo introduced us to their pets in the start that I was going to love this graphic novel, I just didn't understand how much. I ended up reading this in less than 24 hours and have followed them on their IG so I can see more of their art. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised about how much I loved this book, and I would genuinely recommend this to everyone and anyone.

I gave this book a 5/5 star rating on Goodreads!

This book is going to be released 25th April 2024!

What did you think of this book? Do you have any books you'd recommend for me to read and do a review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe! 

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