Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Short AF Book Review | The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic

Hi friends! So today I'm going to be doing a review on "The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic" by Linsey Hall. This review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the goodreads synopsis in this and sometimes it can contain spoilers so please keep that in mind!)

"So here's the deal - I'm a magival disaster. A witch from a family of witches, and the only one whose magic blows up in her face. Which is why I came up with my rules... 1. Never get involved with magic. 2. If you must, do not enter a competition to win the biggest magical fortune in England. 3. And definitely don't fall for Callan Hawthorne, the sexy billionaire mage who you've hated for years. So how the heck do I end up in a situation that promises to break all those rules? It's the only way to save Seaside Spells, my family's magical potion shop. But it's cool. When I go back home to Charming Cove - a village of ancient pubs and foul - mouthed familiars - I will totally ignore Witch Weekly's Sexiest Man of the Year. I'll win the competition, and if I'm lucky. I won't turn myself into a toad in the process. This'll be fine. It'll all be fine. Riiiight.

The Modern Girl's Guide to Magic is a fun, light romantic comedy full of laughter, love, and magical hijinks. It's the first in a series of stand alone romances set in the seaside village of Charming Cove."

How I read this book: eBook

So honestly the reason I wanted to read "The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic" is because I thought the cover was cute and it was available on my kindle unlimited subscription. I did not know anything about this book going into it. I found this book to be such an easy read throughout most of it. I'm not going to lie however, there were times where I was getting a little bored. This book very much seemed to switch between fast paced and slow paced and I really couldn't keep up most of the time. I feel like if you love romantic comedies this would totally be your vibe (I'm more of a young adult romance girly myself). However I just didn't find myself falling in love with it. There was also a spicy scene which just killed the whole vibe of the book for me (personally I thought it was unnecessary to be in there and I'm not the biggest fan of spicy scenes either as I'm asexual). Otherwise it was a good, light-hearted read. Are there some things I didn't think should be in there and didn't like? Absolutely! Would it stop me from reading another one of Linsey Hall's books? No! If you love romantic comedies I'm absolutely certain you would love this book. This just was not the one for me.

My Favourite Characters

- Catrina: Honestly, when you read this book you'll figure out why Catrina is one of my favourite characters. Being the youngest character mentioned in the book, it amazes me how smart and talented the author made her. I love seeing when writers give young women, and children, a strong personality.

- Tabitha: I think we can all agree that Tabitha is the best friend that everyone wants in their life. Tabatha is honestly Aria's biggest cheerleader and it's great to read women supporting women within a book.

My Least Favourite Characters

- Terry: When you read the book you'll find out why I dislike Terry. It's hard to like the other contestants which weren't Aria and Callan, however at least they (somewhat) have redeeming features. There was nothing redeeming about Terry at all but I guess if we've got to have a menace it might as well be him.

I gave this book a 3/5 star rating on goodreads.

What did you think of this book? Who were your favourite or least favourite characters? Do you have any books you'd recommend for me to read and do a review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe

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