Monday, December 25, 2023

Short AF Book Review | Sleeping With Friends

Hi friends! So today I'm going to be doing a review on "Sleeping With Friends" by Emily Schultz. This review is going to be short and sweet (like the title suggests) and spoiler free (however there will be the Goodreads synopsis in this and sometimes it can contain spoilers so please keep that in mind!)

"From the author of The Blondes comes a twisted, darkly humorous story about a woman's attempted murder, her lost memories, and the old friends who try to put her back together - or finish her off for good.

When Mia Sinclair-Kroner wakes from a coma, all she can remember are the movies she's known and loved. Her college friends quickly assemble for a weekend party, in an effort to help her remember. But with old friends come old wounds, and it soon becomes clear that Mia's accident might not have been an accident at all.

Was it Agnes, driven by her unspoken resentments? Or Zoey, who covets everything Mia has? Have the years apart only fanned the extinguished flame between Ethan and Mia, compelling him to violence? Or did Victor, who moved away, return with an agenda? Or was it Martin, the wealthy husband, who put a country estate between Mia and her past?

As old tensions and new suspicions rise, these friends must wade through their film knowledge, shared history, and everything that's kept them apart in order to figure out which one of them is trying to end things once and for all."

How I read this book: eBook

So this book was one of the kindle first reads that came out this month, I picked this one as it genuinely looked the most interesting. I needed something to get me back into reading and because this book is just over 200 pages I thought it would be the perfect little read to get me out of my slump. I definitely made the right decision in choosing this book! I really enjoyed reading Sleeping With Friends, it was medium paced and felt more like a whodunit rather than your typical mystery/thriller. There are definitely parts of the book that you should check the trigger warnings for if you were to read it, and there is also a lot of dark humour (which I enjoy dark humour a lot). You get to learn so much about the dynamic between the friends, as well as see their characters develop throughout the book. I was definitely not expecting the ending of this book, and it does very well to try and divert you away from the truth right until the end. I also really enjoyed how flipped between the perspectives of the friends, it keeps the vibe of the book fresh and leaves you wanting to know more! 

My Favourite Characters

- Agnes - Agnes is one of Mia's closest friends throughout the book and she really shone as a friend throughout. She's very loveable and honestly tries her best to be the most level headed throughout the book (even if she does fail at times).

- Victor - Victor does come in round about the middle of the book so we don't get as much time with him as the others, however I really loved him as a character. Out of everybody in the book he was the only one to really listen to Mia completely throughout the book. I just wish we got more of him.

Least Favourite characters

- Ethan - Ethan is honestly such a manchild throughout the book. He literally throws a temper tantrum and I just can't deal with full grown men being wrote the way Ethan was.

- Zoey - Zoey is definitely a friend you wouldn't want around, she was so selfish and narcissistic throughout the book and the author made her very easy to dislike.

Overall, I really enjoyed "Sleeping With Friends" and apparently there is a sequel coming out next year and I can't wait to get my hands on it! If you want a fun mystery book I'd definitely recommend this one!

I gave this book a 4/5 star rating on Goodreads.

What did you think of this book? Who were your favourite or least favourite characters? Do you have any books you'd recommend for me to read and do a review on? Please let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe

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