Friday, February 16, 2024

Three Series Where The Last Book Ruins It For Me

 Hi friends, have you ever had a series that you really loved? Where the last book in the series just ends up ruining it for you? Today we're going to be talking about 3 series that I loved where the last book in the series just ended up ruining the series for me. Please note, this blog post will contain spoilers, so if you see a series that you have not read please skip past this blog post!

Series 1: The Hunger Games Series - Suzanne Collins

Okay, so I know a LOT of people loved this series, myself included. However I cannot get over the fact that they killed of Prim in the last book. To me I just felt like we went through the whole point of Katniss saving her sister just for her to die in the end anyway. It made her going through the hunger games pretty pointless and I feel like we still would've gotten the desired effect without Prue dying. Will this stop me reading "The Ballad Of Songbird And Snakes"? Absolutely not.

Series 2: Fallen Series - Lauren Kate

So I really loved the Fallen series when I was a teenager, to the point where I read the first 3 books in about a week, and then waited a whole year for the last book in the series to come out. I felt like Lauren Kate gave us such a beautiful story and put us through such an amazing journey, and then in the last book decided that Lucinda and Daniel were going to forget everything that happened to them in hopes that they find each other in a mortal life. I had nothing against them turning into mortals, my biggest issue was them forgetting everything. It made it feel like the journey we went through as readers was all for nothing. They did find each other as mortals, but what if they hadn't?

Series 3: Divergent Series - Veronica Roth

Like everyone else when these books came out I was very much into dystopian fiction, so this book series was exactly what I wanted at the time. I really adored the series and the storytelling and going through the journey with Tris and Tobias, which is why I kept coming back for more. I was just so disappointed when they ended up killing of Tris in the last book. They made her go through such a transformation just to kill her off? I know for a fact I'm not the only one who disliked this ending.

Overall, I did enjoy these series as and when they were coming out. I just feel like we could have had much better endings for these characters.

Did you have any series where the last book ruined the series for you? Do you have any series you'd recommend for me to read? Let me know down in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Doe!

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